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Photos taken on 15/2/2001

Photograph 1

To be taken.

Oversteeping of the Chalk escarpment above the Folkestone Eurotunnel terminal showing soil creep.

Photograph 2

Photograph 2 shows mudflows which have obscured much of the Folkestone Beds outcropping in the cliffs behind Folkestone Harbour. The lighter yellow is the sandy Folkestone Beds and the grey is the Gault Clay mudflows. The top of the Folkestone beds is represented by the line about 1m from the top of the cliff. Above this is about 1m of Gault Clay.

From this location the beds dip to the East, and with a greater thickness of Gault Clay, mudslides turn to landslips.

Photograph 3

This landslip by the Coastguard lookout at the edge of the pitch and putt course occurred during the night of the 12th Feb 2001. The back scarp of the slip consists of Glauconitic Marl, the basal bed of the Chalk, which sits on top of the Gault Clay. Extensive cracking of the path on the LHS of the picture was also noted.

The Warren looking down from the clifftop adjacent to Capel-le-ferne cafe.The railway (opened in 1844), is visible, and in mid picture, forming the seawall, a large concrete apron which acts as a toe-weight. The wavecut platform comprises Gault Clay, Glauconitic Marl and Chalk Marl with a number of slip planes readily observed.

Photograph 5

Sea defences (seawall and groynes) protecting the western Warren to the west of the main toe-weight.  

Photograph 6


Recent cracking, heave and subsidence in the eastern toe-weight.

Photograph 7

Contractor removing recent chalk fall/slide in the Warren to allow road access for the Coastguard.

Photograph 8

Horses head, a tilted chalk block at the eastern end of the Warren landslip complex. The Chalk is the Holywell Nodular Chalk (Mortimore,1997)

Photograph 9

Tilted and subhorizontal blocks of nodular Chalk in a mass of slumped/slipped and ?soliflucted Chalk debris, directly to the West of Horses Head.